DSS Hosts Jan. 5 Virtual Orientation Meeting for Future Foster and adoptive Parents

MEXICO - The Oswego County Department of Social Services will host a virtual meeting from 9 to 11 a.m. Tuesday, Jan. 5, for people who are interested in becoming foster or adoptive parents. All children available for adoption through DSS have been in foster care for a period of time. 

Attendance at the informational meeting is required in order to enroll in the 10-week preparation program.  Single and two-parent families may apply to foster or adopt.

Those planning to participate in the Jan. 5 meeting should contact Patricia Pennock at the Department of Social Services by Monday, Jan. 4. If no responses are received, the informational meeting will be cancelled. Call 315-963-5382 or email Patricia.Pennock@dfa.state.ny.us.