Forbes Marks Retirement

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The Oswego County Legislature’s Public Safety Committee presents Oswego County Fire Coordinator Donald Forbes a certificate of appreciation for his last 12 years of service to the county. Forbes served as deputy fire coordinator for two years before taking the helm of the Oswego County Fire Coordinator’s Office. His dedication to fire service, however, began well before that. Forbes started at the Mexico Volunteer Fire Department where he also served as Chief; just as his father before him and his son after him. Pictured from left are Richard Kline, District 12; Bradley Trudell, District 7; Mary Ellen Chesbro, District 10; Laurie Mangano, District 17; Committee Chairman Terry Wilbur, District 21; Oswego County Fire Coordinator Donald Forbes; his wife Darlys; Committee Vice Chairman Marc Greco, District 24; and Nathan Emmons, District 15.