Oswego County Announces New ARPA Website

June 17, 2022

OSWEGO COUNTY – Oswego County announced the release of its American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) website. 

Oswego County Legislature Chairman James Weatherup said, “It took some time for us to find the right partner to help us with this effort to be as transparent as possible with our program and even more time to fully understand the needs within our communities and the potential impact we could have with these funds. We appreciate the public’s patience and are happy to provide this resource for their use.”

The site, powered by Cleargov, contains information about the County’s plans for investing the ARPA funds, a listing of projects that have been logged into the program so far and the information associated with each request. It also provides access to the County’s application for assistance and supporting information about some of the requirements of using federal funds. 

The site can be accessed through the County’s regular website www.oswegocounty.com.

For more information about ARPA funding, contact the Oswego County Office of Strategic Initiatives at OSI@oswegocounty.com or 315-349-8260.