October 7 is Manufacturing Day in Oswego County

Oct. 3, 2022

PROC Manufacturing Day (Oct7) 9-15-22 (2b)

OCTOBER 7 IS MANUFACTURING DAY – The Oswego County Legislature will mark Friday, Oct. 7 as Manufacturing Day in Oswego County. First recognized in 2012, the nationally recognized occasion highlights the value of manufacturing in robust local economies and aims to inspire the next generation of manufacturers. To mark the day, Oswego County P-TECH and Citi BOCES will host a program to introduce area middle and high school students to modern manufacturing. P-TECH Principal Brian Heffron, CiTi BOCES, was at hand to receive the proclamation from the Oswego County Legislature’s Infrastructure, Facilities and Technology Committee. Pictured from left are Paul House, District 8; John J. Martino, District 6; Heffron; Committee Chairman Stephen M. Walpole, District 14; and Robert Wilmott, District 18.