1854 Oswego County Map Donated in the Name of Tom Metcalf

Oct. 14, 2022
map donation (CC-Tom Metcalf) Oct22 (3b)

Oswego County Clerk Terry Wilbur recently received an 1854 map of Oswego County from Tom Metcalf of Bridgeport. Metcalf’s family settled in North Hannibal in 1806. Once belonging to his great-great-great-grandfather Sumner Metcalf, the map has been preserved and passed down through the generations since then. The map shows the whole of Oswego County in 1854, along with inset maps of the smaller municipalities in the county. County Clerk Wilbur happily accepted the map and announced that it will be hung in the County Clerk’s Office in the name of Tom Metcalf. Pictured is Oswego County Clerk Terry Wilbur (left) with Tom Metcalf holding the map.