Oswego County Wishes Residents a Safe and Happy Holiday Season with These Tips

Dec. 16, 2022

The holidays are a time of gathering with loved ones for various celebrations. As the holiday season approaches, The Oswego County Health Department, Emergency Management Office, Fire Coordinator’s Office and the STOP-DWI Program have teamed up to remind residents to make health and safety a top priority in the coming weeks.

“Across the country, and here at home, we are currently experiencing a record-breaking influenza season,” said Oswego County Interim Public Health Director Vera Dunsmoor. “So, we are really encouraging everyone to get their flu shots and stay up to date with their COVID-19 vaccinations and boosters. As always, we want to make sure that everyone enjoys a healthy holiday, especially if they are travelling to other areas, and staying current with vaccinations is a great way for people to protect themselves and their families.”

The health department also offers safety tips about gift-giving for the holiday season:

  • Be careful of small parts and batteries when giving presents to children. These items represent a choking hazard for small children. It’s also helpful to pay close attention to the age range listed on a toy’s packaging.
  • Don’t forget the safety equipment that go along with some presents. Helmets for bicycles and scooters should be sized to fit the child and worn whenever they are riding. Helmets are also an important choice to go with skis, snowboards, and (along with pads) skateboards. Other safety gear includes life vests and whistles with kayaks and canoes, and ski poles with snowshoes to help prevent falls.

Holiday decorating can also pose fire safety risks. The Oswego County Fire Coordinator’s Office warns residents to be cautious when it comes to their Christmas trees.

“Some of the most common causes of Christmas tree fires include dried-out trees, faulty wiring, overloaded sockets and space heaters being kept too close to the tree,” said Oswego County Fire Coordinator Shane Laws. “Although Christmas tree fires are rare, it’s important to keep safety a top priority while decorating this holiday season.”

When it comes to decorating, the Oswego County Fire Coordinator’s Office suggests these tips:

  • Christmas trees should be placed at least 3 feet away from fireplaces, radiators and other heat sources and should not block doorways. Make sure artificial trees are fire resistant and, if using a real tree, 2 inches of the trunk should be cut off exposing fresh wood to increase water absorption. Remember to water live trees daily.
  • When hanging Christmas lights, be sure you are using the appropriate lights. Indoor lights should only be used indoors, just as outdoor lights should only be used outdoors. Also make sure you are using the right ladder while stringing lights. Do not nail, tack or stress wiring when hanging lights, and keep plugs off the ground away from snow and puddles.
  • Replace light sets that have loose connections, broken or cracked sockets or frayed or bare wires.
  • Make sure to read and follow directions to know how many light sets can be plugged into one socket.
  • All lights should be turned off before going to bed or leaving the home.
  • Never burn trees, wreaths of wrapping paper in a fireplace. The fireplace and chimney should be checked and cleaned at least once every year.

Driving presents its own safety risks, especially during the holiday season – one of the busiest travel times of the year, and when the weather can be most unpredictable. Oswego County Emergency Management reminds residents that it’s important to always practice safe driving and be prepared for emergencies.

“If you are travelling by car during the holidays, it is essential to be prepared for an emergency,” said Oswego County Emergency Management Director Cathleen Palmitesso. “Ensure that your vehicle is in safe running condition, leave early and stay off cell phones while driving. Don’t forget to keep an emergency kit in your vehicle.”

Vehicle emergency safety kits should contain the following items: jumper cables, tool kit, flashlight and batteries, first-aid kit, drinking water and non-perishable foods and a cell phone charger. They should also include reflective triangles and bright colored cloth to increase your vehicle’s visibility in the case of emergency as well as a reflective vest in case you must leave your vehicle and walk for help. Cold weather supplies such as blankets, warm clothing, a snow brush, shovel, windshield washer fluid and kitty litter for traction in the snow should also be included.

While holiday parties can be a lot of fun, it is crucial to designate a sober driver. Never drive while impaired by any substance, including alcohol, over-the-counter and prescription drugs or illegal drugs.

Oswego County STOP-DWI Interim Coordinator Robert Lighthall encourages people to be prepared and have a sober plan.

“Drunk driving is not only illegal, it’s deadly,” Lighthall said. “With so many safe alternatives available to help people get home safely, no one should ever take that risk – for themselves, their passengers or other drivers on the road.

“Download the mobile app ‘Have a Plan’ at www.stopdwi.org/mobileapp and you will always be able to find a safe ride home,” he added. “Impaired driving is completely preventable; all it takes is a little planning. We just want everyone to have a happy – and most importantly, safe –holiday season.”

For more information on staying safe this holiday season, go to www.oswegocounty.com to explore these county departments.