Oswego County Encourages Applications for ARPA Funding

May 27, 2022

– The Oswego County Legislature is encouraging community partners to request assistance through the County’s allocation of American Rescue Plan Funds.

“Since the enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), Oswego County has been developing implementation strategies that will ensure these funds spur an equitable economic recovery throughout our communities,” said Oswego County Legislature Chairman James Weatherup. “We plan to invest these critical funds to preserve the health and well-being of our residents and the economic vitality of our local communities.”

County leaders have met with a variety of stakeholder groups that fairly represent businesses, educational institutions, the not-for-profit community and government service providers. 

“Our intent in these preliminary sessions was to get an early assessment of the needs in these sectors,” said Oswego County Director of Strategic Initiatives David Turner. “Having that information at hand helps us better understand how and where we can apply these funds as we assess the ever-evolving rules and regulations and continue to work with our federal partners.”

The County established the Office of Strategic Initiatives to oversee these and related funds that have become available through this historic federal allocation. The County Legislature is committed to distributing these financial resources using a very thorough and thoughtful process to make sure that they are properly applied to eligible areas of need and in a way that will lead to long-term and transformative investments.

To download an application or find more information about this initiative, including other supporting documents, go to: https://www.oswegocounty.com/government/county_legislature/american_rescue_plan.php.